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Active Members - Your 2023/24 Annual Benefit Statements are available to view

Active Members Annual Benefit Statement cover image.

Active Members, your latest statement is ready!

Sign in to My Wiltshire Pension, under Documents, click on Your 2023/24 Annual Benefit Statement (ABS).

These show how much pension you have built up in your Wiltshire Pension Fund account, paid in through your current role. If you have worked in different roles whilst paying into the LGPS with Wiltshire Pension Fund, unless the separate records have been aggregated into one, they will each have a separate statement. These are known as Deferred Benefits and can be accessed by clicking the Other Employments drop down at the top of the page. 

These pension benefits can be claimed once you reach normal retirement age. 

Members with more than one employment

If you have worked in different roles whilst paying into the LGPS, these will each have a separate record, with a separate statement. To access your different statements go to Other Employments at the top of the page to select the record you would like to view. 

*All content from the video is contained within this page

Check your expression of wish is up to date!

Although we have discretion over who receives your lump sum death grant, we will take into account your wishes (if stated). Therefore it is very important you keep your expression of wish up to date by logging into your My Wiltshire Pension account. Visit our What if I die as a member? page to find out more about death grant lump sums. 

Need some help registering or logging in?

Your statement is waiting, log into My Wiltshire Pension to access your documents, view, update your details and more!


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