Wiltshire Pension Fund has set an investment belief:
We seek to invest in a way that, where possible, aligns the interests of the Fund with those of the contributing employers and the Fund membership.
Engagement Activities
Responsible Investment Surveys
Every three years we carry out a Responsible Investment Survey with our members, with the results from the latest survey shown below. We are genuinely interested in the views of our members, and the information we gain from the survey helps us to make decisions on what we do, and on what we communicate to our members.

The results can be found in the following report and will help shape future discussions on the important issue of responsible investments:
Responsible Investment Survey 2024- The Results (PDF, 454 KB)(opens new window)
Previous Results
2021 Responsible Investment Survey Results (PDF, 237 KB)(opens new window)
Youth Engagement Survey 2023
Wiltshire Pension Fund recognises the importance of engaging with its future pensioners to better understand their expectations, preferences, and priorities regarding their pensions and how it is invested. In addition to this Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues have gained prominence in recent years, gaining information on how younger members view the importance of these issues can form a valuable part of our decision-making process and help guide our communication efforts.
What did they say?

Click here to view the full results
Employer survey 2021
In August 2021, fund employers were surveyed on their views on responsible investment, strategic issues and climate change. A summary of the results can be found below:
Employer survey (PDF, 285 KB)(opens new window)
Employer Strategic Focus Group
The Employer Strategic Focus Group ("the group") is an informal way for the employers to engage with the Fund (via the officers and the employer representatives on the Pension Fund Committee) on strategic issues. The group has been established to facilitate a 2-way dialogue, and to enable the employer representatives to feedback employers' views to the Committee. The group discusses strategic issues which affect the employers, and allows the employer representatives and officers to take informal soundings from employers on these issues. These views may then be incorporated into draft strategies, for example, before consultation with the full employer body. Or the views may be fed back to the Committee by the employer representatives, to contribute to the decision-making process.

Looking for information on how we engage with our investments? Our approach is set out in our Responsible Investment Policy, visit our Investment approach page to view the policy and find out more. We also regularly publish articles featuring engagement case studies on our News pages.