30 March 2022
Following our nomination, Wiltshire Pension Fund were awarded "Best approach to responsible investment" last night at the LAPF Investments Awards! We are proud of the way our fund is working hard to deliver sustainable returns for our scheme members:
The judging panel, composed of some of the most-respected names in the industry, commented that the Fund "has placed Responsible Investment at the core of all it does, building RI into its internal processes while not being afraid to hold managers to account."
The Local Authority Pension Forum LAPF Investments Awards were established in 2015 in order to celebrate outstanding achievement in the LGPS. Over the years, an award from LAPF Investments Awards has come to be recognised as mark of excellence in the field of pensions provision in the LGPS. The 2021 LAPF Investments Awards took place on Tuesday 29th March 2022, having been postponed due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, with strong attendance from many of the most senior figures in the UK pensions industry.
Winner: Wiltshire Pension Fund
Highly Commended: Border to Coast Pension Partnership
Border to Coast Pensions Partnership
Cornwall Pension Fund
London Borough of Camden Pension Fund
Wiltshire Pension Fund
More information on the LAPF Investments Awards 2021 event and LGPS and Adviser winners of other categories can be found on the LAPF Investments website.