We are delighted to report that following assessment of our 2024 Stewardship Report (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window) by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), Wiltshire Pension Fund has been successful in renewing its 2020 Code Signatory status for the third year!
Continued Code Signatory status represents a great achievement for the Fund. We are passionate about delivering better outcomes for our members and the wider economy, and driving best practice in the industry and the companies in which we invest. We will always continue to evolve our approach in this area.
We hope you enjoy reading about our stewardship activities over the last year!
*If you have any difficulties viewing the flipbook above please click the pdf document link; 2024_Stewardship_Report_v4 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Alongside the full report, we have created a Stewardship Highlights Report (PDF, 716 KB)(opens new window), designed to make the information more accessible to a wider audience.
Visit: UK Stewardship Code | Financial Reporting Council (frc.org.uk) for more information on the Code, Wiltshire Pension Fund's signatory listing and details of other Asset owner, Asset manager and Service provider signatories.