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Pension Awareness Week Day Four

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Pension Awareness Day 4

Day 4: How is the cash invested?

What are the important facts?

All data as at 31 March 2021

£3bn of assets

100% funded ("the ratio of the assets to the present value of the pension liabilities")

Our investments returned 9% per annum over the last 5 years

What does the Pension Fund invest in?

Active global equities5%
Active sustainable equities5%
Passive low carbon equities12%
Emerging market equities5%
Private equity7.50%
Multi-asset credit5%
Emerging market debt5%
Private debt7.50%
Index linked gilts15%
Secured income10%


Who is Wiltshire Pension Fund, as an investor?

We are long-term investors.

We spread our risk and access lots of different investment opportunities, by investing in many different types of asset.

We are active and responsible investors.  We recently set a goal of making our investments net zero by 2050.

You can read all about our investments online and in our annual report.

Wiltshire-Pension-Fund-Email4_WPF Day Four (PDF, 367 KB)(opens new window)

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