Log into your My Wiltshire Pension account to view your 2022/2023 Annual Benefit Statement (ABS)
ABS for active members are due to be published and circulated to members by the end of August.
What is a deferred ABS ?
They are a summary of the amount held in your pension account, accrued during a previous role where you contributed to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) which can be claimed once you reach normal retirement age.
What do they contain?
Your personal information, how much you have built up in your pension account, and how much your loved ones could receive if you pass away.
Check your expression of wish is up to date!
We have absolute discretion over who receives your lump sum death grant but we will take into account your wishes (if stated). Therefore it is very important you keep your expression of wish up to date by logging into your My Wiltshire Pension account.
As part of exercising our discretion, the death grant can be paid to the person(s) you have nominated on your expression of wish section, to your personal representatives or to any person who appears, at any time, to have been your relative or dependant.
How can I access my ABS?
Register or log onto My Wiltshire Pension so access your account