As a Fund our mission is to deliver an effective service, providing our members with the tools they need to plan for their financial future.
We want to make sure members have a clear understanding of the fantastic benefits they have access to with the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) , along with what resources and support are available to guide them through their pension journey with ease.

We are delighted to be sharing details of the upcoming webinars we are hosting for our members, all of which will be hosted online via MS Teams.
Your pension, your way...
5 October 10am - 11.30am
Aimed at members who are currently paying into the scheme (Active members), outlining what options are available to increase their pension, in retirement and more!
- Benefits of being a member of the LGPS
- How it is calculated and built up, including pre 2014 when the CARE scheme was introduced
- How to top it up through AVC's (additional voluntary contributions) or APC's (additional pension contributions)
- 50/50 Section
- Retirement options
- member resources, and My Wiltshire Pension, your online account
Pre-retirement considerations
2 November 10am- 11.30am
- How it is calculated
- Benefits of being a member of the LGPS
- How it is calculated and built up, including pre 2014 when the CARE scheme was introduced
- How to top it up through AVC's (additional voluntary contributions) or APC's (additional pension contributions)
- Retirement Options
- Retirement process
- Pensioner resources and dedicated site
Please note that fund representatives are only authorised to provide information, if members require financial advice, they should seek assistance from an independent financial advisor.