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Jennifer Devine
Head of Wiltshire Pension Fund

Jennifer oversees the whole Fund, including investments, administration, accounting and governance.  Jennifer has over 10 years' experience working in the local government pension scheme and is a chartered accountant, a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA®) charterholder, and also holds the CFA ESG certificate.


James Franklin
Administration Lead

Responsible for the administration function of the Fund, managing the Member and Employer Services Teams. 


Employer Services

As employers of the LGPS, the Employer Services Team are there to support participating employers in fulfilling their duties and statutory obligations. The team help to ensure all monthly data is processed correctly through the i-Connect portal, along with completing resulting work such as the processing of refunds, deferred benefits, change of details and new starters.

Matt Allen
Employer Funding and Risk Lead

Contact for significant employer issues/events and major employer changes that could impact on the employer's risk profile, for example: new admissions, reorganisations and cessations. Matt is also responsible for the Fund's actuarial relationship.

Nat Harrison

Employer Services Work Management Officer

Contact for processing queries. 

For any queries relating to i-Connect or Form Submissions please contact us at

Member Services 

Our customer mission is to deliver an effective service, providing our members with the tools they need to plan for their financial future. The Member Services Team are there to help provide members with information about their pension, process changes such as aggregations, retirements and signpost them to other helpful resources and guidance. 

To contact the team please use the contact us page in the members area of the website.

For member benefit and pension related queries contact the Member Services Team via the Contact Us page of the website.

Systems and Operations

Katy Hutchinson
Pensions Operations Manager

Mark Anderson
Systems Manager and Business Analyst

For data spreadsheets or year end queries email


Christopher Moore
Investment and Accounting Team Lead

Chris has 10 years of public sector accounting experience having worked in the NHS and Further Education prior to joining the Fund. He is responsible for the accounting processes and overseeing investment performance. Chris is a Chartered Management Accountant (CGMA) and prior to joining the fund he was an employer representative on the Wiltshire LGPS committee. Since joining the fund he has achieved the CFA UK Investment Management Certificate (IMC).


Communications and Press

Krystie Waterhouse
Fund Communications and Customer Engagement Manager

Responsible for effective delivery of the communications strategy, customer service policy and member engagement for the Fund, along with event management, website mantenance, press relations and all digitial communications across departments for the Fund. 

For communications, press or member event queries contact


Richard Bullen
Governance & Performance Manager

Richard takes responsibility for governance & compliance framework of the Pension Fund at both an operational & strategic level, working with the Wiltshire Pension Fund's oversight bodies of the Pension Committee & Local Pension Board & ensuring the Fund's compliance with organisations such as the Pension Regulator & Scheme Advisory Board. He also monitors the Fund's performance against its compliance & other good governance obligations. For any queries, in the first instance, please contact Richard at


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